bass n. 【音乐】 1.男低音;低音奏唱者。 2.低音部。 3.低音乐器。 adj. 低音的。 n. (pl. bass(es)) 【鱼类】欧洲鲈鱼。 bass3 n. 1.【植物;植物学】椴树;椴属树木,美洲椴木。 2.椴树韧皮。 3.〔pl.〕 韧皮纤维制品〔如席子绳索等〕。 n. 巴斯(厂的)啤酒;一瓶巴斯啤酒。
The ultimate result was that he joined the choir as a bass voice . 结果他加入了那儿的唱诗班,唱低音。
Angus : i know , but i just love the sound of a bass voice - it ' s so powerful 安格斯:我知道,但我喜欢低音听起来很雄浑有力。
" i say , professor rubin , " came a bass voice , " you are kicking us downstairs pretty fast , aren ' t you ? “我说,鲁宾教授, ”有一个男低音说, “你这一脚可把我们踢得屁滚尿流咯。 ”
A player comes on under the shadow , made up in the castoff mail of a court buck , a wellset man with a bass voice 一个演员从暗处86踱了过来。他身披宫廷里哪位花花公子穿剩的铠甲,体格魁悟,有着一副男低音的嗓子。
A bass voice pierres eyes were again bandaged put questions to him , who he was , where and when he was born , and so on 有个具有男低音嗓子的人皮埃尔的眼睛仍旧被蒙着向他提出几个问题:他是什么人在何处定居在何时出生等等。
What is your bidding , your excellency ? asked a bass voice , fit for a head deacon , and hoarse from hallooing , and a pair of flashing black eyes glanced up from under their brows at the silent young master 他用那副由于呼唤猎犬追捕野兽而嘶哑的嗓子,发出执事长的男低音,问道,他皱着眉头并用两只闪闪发言的乌黑眼睛看了看默不作声的老爷。
He , for it was a man , turned his head slowly towards where i stood , and having examined me with the two inquisitive - looking grey eyes which twinkled under a pair of bushy brows , said solemnly , and in a bass voice , her size is small : what is her age 他因为是个男人缓缓地把头转向我站立的地方,用他那双浓眉下闪着好奇的目光的灰色眼睛审视着我,随后响起了他严肃的男低音: “她个子很小,几岁了? ”